Monday 24 September 2007

Yet Another Sunday

Ok I missed a day, but Sunday, as usual was busy. In fact busier than usual.

I don't remember much of Saturday, the day seem to be a bit of a swirl, though I think I have a good reason, but more on that later (if your lucky *giggles*). The main thing I remember is showing Un around Talia and my island, and ending up slow dancing in the sky park (/me sighs and shakes herself from her dreamy trance).

Sunday was haywire, I feel sorry for poor Un who ended up being a little, ok a lot, ignored. Sunday is the day the schedule gets updated and posted for the following week. Rose got the updates to me in good time and I was able to update my master copy, made very pleasant by being in Un's arms while I did it. I had just completed it when I had to go and teach my classes, two and a half hours of teaching scripting, its amazing how tiring it is even using a serial chat feeder. This was followed by posting some of the classes and events, trying to arbitrate in a classroom where a class had been canceled, and other not good things. Thankfully Un had got hold of a lovely embrace, and I was able to melt in his arms at the end of the day, aaahhhhh!

How do I feel with Un? I feel kind of dreamy, floaty, relaxed. Mind you I have had some late nights, so that may be the cause. Well thats my excuse and I'm sicking to it lol. Sunday was the first day Un was with me while I was busy, I hope that he did not feel like I was ignoring him, I felt his presence, and it helped me relax, especially later on. I could set off on a monologue on why we feel such connections, such feelings, but Unmasked Shepherd wrote a piece for The Konstrukt that covers this better than I can. I think it will be published in the next issue, and I was privileged to be allowed to read his article before publication.

The world may not be real, but your feelings are.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol, dont spoil the surprise! But the next issue of theKONSTRUKT will be there the 5th of October, so its only a couple of days away =)
With best regrads
Anna Grant, theKONSTRUKT owner