Monday 17 September 2007

A Tiring Day

Sunday, a day of rest, right! I had four things planned to do today, one in RL and the other three in SL. I managed to complete the RL task whilst still logged in into SL without going AFK (the task required a second PC which I setup next to the one running SL). Of the SL tasks, one became obsolete, one I failed to touch, and the last I failed to complete, and I had all day to do them!

I think I spent most of the day in IMs, meetings, or sitting in classes, or two out of the three at the same time. I had to sit in a couple of classes I will be taking over next week, and sat in on a new instructor (Sunita Beck) who had a baptism of fire by stepping into the breach and subbing a class with a couple of hours notice.

The schedule update was late (I enter the classes in SLs events list for NCI), so I ended up adding events while sitting in the classes I need to take over, at an insane time in the morning.

Monday I will have to complete the events listing and complete the shoes I promised (the task I failed to touch), and its a short night as I have an RL commitment in the evening. I also need to get to bed early to recover. I am supposed to be able to relax in SL, so much for that idea!

I ended the day winding down with Talia, chatting on our island, sitting on a rock with our feet dangling over the sea. I'm am very fortunate to have such a good friend in Talia, she is an angel putting up with my whining and supporting me.

Sometimes I look back on my newbie days when all I needed to worry about was juggling male friends and hoping to meet up with Talia for a chat before logging off. I see those days through rose tinted glasses, but I remember the loneliness, sitting in Ginny park, a hive of activity going on 30ms from me but being alone, waiting, hoping.

Sheesh, enough of that, time to get back to work.

RL work.

The thing that pays the bills so I can live part of my life in SL.

Whatever you do, have fun :)


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