Friday 21 September 2007

A day Off

A day off from Instructing, scheduling, etc. I feel I have been buried in NCI Education business forever. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but sometimes a change, a break, is good.

It was a private day. A day I shared with my friends, of reaffirmation, a day that a door may have opened, an exciting, scary, day.

I went exploring with my close friend Talia, she's quite an explorer now, which she blames me for lol! I love to explore, to poke around in the corners of SL, you never know what you may find. I have found secret labs, an ancient alien landing site, cosy nooks and crannies (*giggles*), ancient Roma, etc, etc.

I was able to spend time at beach, socializing, another of my loves. I ended up party to a rather philosophical discussion that seemed to revolved around who's mind was closed. I think Its was between two relatively new residents, and that sort of discussion is always fun because they have yet to 'get' SL.

Hmm, I was going to start one of my ramblings on SL being a multi layer, multi cultural, multi mindset, society, in which we should all accept others rights to their views. But I found that I cannot accept some folks views, those that involve demeaning others (eg speciism). Perhaps my mind is 'closed', perhaps everyone's mind is closed, only able to accept views that are similar to their own.

I think I will not subject you, dear reader, to my biased, closed minded ramblings (lololol). Anyway, I'm still buzzing a bit from yesterday and looking forward what exciting, scary things will happen tonight (I hope lol).

Even an open mind has a horizon.


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