Tuesday 25 September 2007

Monday !!

Mondays are my most difficult days to cope with, I have an RL commitment so my time in SL is limited and I seem to spend my time completing the Class Schedule postings. Poor Un got ignored again, as a job that should have taken 1.5 hours stretched to 3+ hours due to interruptions. From a personal point of view, this is ok, but I now have to consider Un, so it was frustrating. Ok grip over.

Rainbow resigned last night, and with Rose going as well, we no longer have an Education Director. I don't really want to take on more work, lol, I joined SL to relax and explore myself, not to get a job! But I will not see NCI left in the lurch, and Un, bless him, has told me he will support me in whatever I do.

Tonight I am going to dedicate to my sweet Un, or at least I'm going to dam well try to. *smiles shyly* I'm melting just thinking about it.

This is not a clever tag line.

(*giggles*) Afon

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