Monday 1 October 2007

A Crazy Weekend

What a weekend!

The most memorial thing to happen was that Peter logged in! It was like an electric shock through me. I was with Un, cuddling and chatting, when he logged in. I was contacted by Dey, with offers of support, and Talia came on line shortly after and offered her support. Held by Un, I felt like a phalanx of friends had surrounded me to protect me, they all helped me. I am so grateful to them, I feel so undeserving. Peter did not contact me, and logged off shortly after.

In RL I have not been in the position of losing someone close to me, so I am unprepared to handle the emotions I feel. Un has made me so happy, and he is such a sweet gentleman. I think he may have been dreading this day, wondering if I would go back with Peter. He told me that if i wanted to, he would understand and accept my desicion. That confirmed what I allready knew, that I choose Un. I still feel the pain of that shock, it will take a while to abate, but at least I have felt what I dreaded. If Peter logs in again, the pain wont be so bad, and I know it will lessen over time.

The rest of the weekend is kind of a blur, some things happened that I cannot blog, good things.


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